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Friday, June 22, 2007

Motorist Reports Incident Of Indecent Exposure

   A motorist traveling at a busy Lawrenceburg intersection has reported an incident of indecent exposure to law enforcement officials.

   The thirty-three-year-old victim, a resident of Waynesboro, summoned Lawrenceburg Police Officers to initiate an investigation in the wake of the Wednesday morning event.

   The victim told officers that she had been stopped at the North Military/West Gaines Street intersection when she saw a blue car pass by her in the opposite direction. She reported that the driver turned around, then pulled alongside her. When she looked his way, the woman told officers she discovered that the man was exposing himself while driving.

   The victim, who was familiar with the man, was able to give officers a full description, along with the man’s name and address. The car, she reported, looked as if it had been painted with a brush.

   At the time reports were filed investigation into the allegations was on-going.
